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"Preserving the Past - Embracing the Future"

AppleAtcha AgriTech KY, LLC is one of many key players in revitalizing Martin County. Everyone has always seen the true potential in this county; including President Lyndon B. Johnson, who visited Martin county to give his "War on Poverty" speech. Now we are actually putting his plan to work and rebuilding this community.



Somewhere Appalachia is a catalyst for change in Eastern Kentucky focused on redeveloping old coal mines in partnership with the great people of the region. The initial project will include the construction of an architecturally significant pavilion with Berlinde De Bruyckere’s monumental and visceral sculpture, Kreupelhout-Cripplewood, 2012-2013 as its centerpiece. The work will be exhibited alongside other contemporary art of the region and beyond.

Rebuilding the community is the most important goal of AppleAtcha AgriTech KY, LLC. We are creating a substantial impact on the job industry in Martin County, with various positions that are filled by the people that live in the community.  These opportunities are not only boosting the employment rate, but also allowing for investments and growth back into the community.

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